Thursday 3 March 2016

Identify Fire on Page Load DA Actions

Today I am investigating performance problems on an Oracle Apex page. On of the possible causes are JavaScript DA Actions that are Fired on page load. The following query helps to identify these DA Actions:

select distinct da.page_id
     , da.page_name
     , da.when_event_name
     , case when when_selection_type is not null then 
                    when_selection_type ||':' || when_element || when_region
            else null
       end    as  object_name
     , da.dynamic_action_name
from   apex_application_page_da_acts   act
       join apex_application_page_da   da  on ( da.dynamic_action_id = act.dynamic_action_id ) 
where  act.action_code = 'NATIVE_JAVASCRIPT_CODE'
  and  act.application_name = '[app_name]'
  and  act.page_id = [page_id]
  and  substr(act.execute_on_page_init,1,1) = 'Y'

Fill in the name of your application ([appname]) and the ID of the page ([page_id]) and run the query. You will get a list of the relevant DA Actions that you can check.

By the way, if you are at this point you could also run the query for the DA Fire on Page Load settings and contribute the survey. Happy Apexing, Dick Dral


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